
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Graduation Speech

Lessons My Dog Taught Me
Over time, we learn lessons not just from teachers,but from almost everyone we meet. As I make the transition from middle school to high school, I realize that  many important lessons have come from my dog, Chloe,a 4-year-old Bichon-Poodle mix that we adopted from a shelter 3 years ago.  I have two older sisters.  One has graduated from high school and is now in college, and the other is finishing sophomore year at Niles North.  Based on stories they’ve told me about high school, I think lessons learned from Chloe are relevant for me and my Golf Middle School classmates

She’s taught  me to never give up,even when it doesn’t seem like anyone at the dinner table will give you food.

She’s shown me that the most important things in life are pretty basic. My list of most important things isn’t exactly the same as Chloe’s, which I think is: eat; sleep; and sniff poop, but it’s a good principle . She taught me how to let people know when they’re bugging me without going overboard,  In her case, that works by first growling, and then (if they don’t respond) by lightly nipping their hands. Those tactics don’t work for me, but you get the picture.  Chloe is always a loyal friend who sticks to my side, in good times and bad, and she’s taught me the importance of never leaving good friends behind.

Chloe  never settles for what she has been given,especially when it comes to  her dinner.  I try to never settle for anything unfair,which is slightly different than Chloe wanting more chicken with her meal.he rule that you shouldn’t settle for less than what you think you deserve seems like a good one, though.

She often uses her best assets to her advantage,like when she looks up at people with her big,soulful eyes wide and starts whining. Much like my dog, we should all learn to use our greatest assets to the fullest potential.

I’ve learned a lot from my teachers and peers, as well as my dog.  Maybe the most important lesson of all, as we go on to high school, is to constantly strive to learn from everyone and everything around us.